AvayGray specializes in looks that are elegant and timeless in their simplicity. We have taken the beauty of neutral and created a minefield of endless choices. AvayGray is not overly designed which helps to curate a level of calm in your jewelry wardrobe. Allowing your jewelry to sing not shout is the design criteria for each piece while still making a powerful statement. Our creations instantly brighten and evoke a feeling of calmness. Consisting of necklaces, pendants and earrings that boast of clean lines, intricate details and flawlessness, our mix and match materials are sure to heighten your style. Guaranteed with a manufacturer's warranty from our factories in Italy and Germany. 

Why avaygray?

As the saying goes our story is short but sweet. Two college sweethearts fell in love, got married, rescued a puppy and traveled the globe. Two orphan babies grabbed our hearts and adoption grew our family and turned our house into a home. Enter Avay & Gray, the inspiration behind this fun and meaningful collection. AvayGray is the essence of our family. Built with love, integrity, value, spirit and sass. 

Our creations are about the simplicity of yesteryear and the true meaning of family and love. Inspired by Ann's mom, "Momma B" would not say goodbye. She would say "Share the love". We love sharing our story as much as we love sharing our designs. Made in sterling silver with yellow vermeil, AvayGray features clean lines, fresh looks and incredible styling that will make this your go to collection for everyday jewelry wear. 

This is our little but loving story. Thank you for loving what we do.

Wishing you happiness,

Ann, David, Avay and Gray



Email order@avaygraydesigns.com or find a retailer near you to purchase jewelry from this collection.

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